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A list of companies who:insure in Northern Ireland


According to the articles below in the Belfast Telegraph, consumers in Northern Ireland are being screwed big time, for insurance, so it pays to get as many quotes as you can , check out the insurers on this site to get a good deal..




Northern Ireland traditionally has been a very hard place to get cheap insurance, especially car insurance. Most insurers give discounts for purchasing online but it is really annoying and frustrating to go online, enter all your details and then and only then be told that the company will not insure in Northern Ireland. So this site has checked out he online insurers who do insure people in Northern Ireland. Car insurance online is now starting to meet the mainland prices especially with insurers like Directline and Yes Insurance. Home insurance in Northern Ireland is also starting to become cheaper online. Insureni have tried to make it easier for people and cut out the frustration of searching for insurance.